"What Do The Dentists Think About Alfa & Sterilizers.com?"




"What Do The Dentists
Think About Alfa?"


Dentists' Testimonials

I have been using Alfa Medical since 1990

We have several sterilizers in our dental practice. Alfa is our source for all of our sterilizers needs. I have met them in 1990 at the Hinman trade show in Atlanta.

They appear to be very helpful, and answered every question which I had. I was so happy that I made the decision to have Alfa rebuild my Pelton & Crane sterilizer. Since then, we had purchased 2 other sterilizers from Alfa, one new and one refurbished.

They are always there ready to help and support us. I highly recommend them. They are ethical, professional, very technically oriented, and nice people to deal with.

Molvin Richard DDS
Pinehurst, NC


Dentists' Testimonials

Alfa Medical stays behind their product and their work.

In 1993 my Pelton & Crane sterilizer OCM broke down. I was about to throw it away and buy a new one.

At the American Dental Association (ADA) convention, I looked around at different sterilizer companies. When I stopped by Alfa's booth, I was very happily surprised to find out that my Pelton & Crane could be restored to look like new.

In addition to looking like new, Alfa installed automatic shut off and automatic vent mechanism which saves us time and avoids having to worry whether the sterilizer needs to be shut off or not. It does it by itself. This is another one of those decision that I made which I am very happy about.

Shiri Danny DDS
Los Angeles, CA


Dentists' Testimonials

I highly recommend doing business with Alfa Medical -

When my Pelton & Crane OCM sterilizer broke down in 1992, I didn't feel like spending $3000.00 to buy a new one. I was referred to Alfa Medical by a friend of mine from Patterson, NJ.

I am so happy I let Alfa rebuild my sterilizer. For 7 years it worked great.

In May 2000, the fill function stoped working. I called Alfa to see if they can service it. They explained to me what I needed to do over the phone.

It is working great. I highly recommend them for rebuilding your Pelton & Crane OCM sterilizer. You may call me any time.

Berkowitz Leonard DDS
Lindenhurst, NY


Dentists' Testimonials

I like to work with companies like Alfa where the owner will pick up the phone and help too -

We have been using Alfa Medical for our sterilizer needs since 1992. We had Alfa rebuild 6 of our Pelton & Crane OCM sterilizers, and we purchased several other rebuilt sterilizers. We have several dental clinics in Georgia. Every time we have a need for parts, or if something is wrong, Alfa is very fast to react to our needs.

We have been extremely pleased with them, and I would recommend them to anybody. Whenever I call, their customer service is ready to help and fulfill my needs. Another great benefit of Alfa Medical, is if I want to talk to Shlomo Savyon (founder and President of Alfa), he is available. I like working with companies, where the owner picks up the phone to help with daily issues.

If you want to ask me any specific questions, please feel free to call me anytime.

Musicer Richard DDS
Norcross, GA



Dentists' Testimonials

Alfa Medical helped us thru several issues we had on the phone for nearly 12 years -

In 1989 I met Alfa Medical through an ad in DPR (Dental Product Report Magazine.) They sounded very helpful and pleasent on the phone when I ordered a re-manufactured Pelton & Crane OCM sterilizer.

I am very happy with the decision to buy from Alfa. The sterilizer works great. I am also very satisfied with Alfa’s service.

When there is an issue, I call them, they are very consciousness and eager to please. They helped us through issues we have on the phone, and make sure that everything works 100%. I highly recommend them..

Klausner Jack DDS
Boston, MA


Dentists' Testimonials

Just trust Alfa Medical, they know what they are doing, and will stay behind to serve you more then you can expect to. Their service to me exceeded my expectations -

In 1992 I purchased a remanufactured Pelton & Crane OCM sterilizer from Alfa Medical. I met them at the Yankee Dental Meeting in Boston.

The sterilizer works great to this day (April 19th, 2002).

Yesterday my Pelton & Crane Validator stopped working again. I was tired of spending more money on repairing it, so I called Alfa to purchase another OCM.

Alfa explained to me that I would be better off trading my Validator for Alfa's re manufactured Validator.

They said that it will work just like the Pelton & Crane OCM ... manually and I will not have anymore electronic problems.

I took their word for it, and I had them send me a validator to trade mine for it.

What I have learned dealing with Alfa was that they keep their word, and whatever they do is a quality work. I was prooved of that.

Call me in few months and I will tell you how the Validator trade in worked for me.

Rosenthal Stuart DDS
Ashland, MA


Dentists' Testimonials

Loaners are always available from Alfa Medical -

We started dealing with Alfa back in 1989. We own both the Pelton & Crane Sentry and the OCM. Alfa Medical had re-manufactured both of them for us.

We have both sterilizers in a small sterilization area.

Before we had Alfa re-manufacture our sterilizers, we could not hear the timer bell ring (this is because we have in all of our treatment rooms televisions for the patients comfort). The sterilizer would be running so many times longer then an hour. Many times causing malfunctioning of our sterilizers.

The benefit of the Pelton and Crane OCM sterilizers shutting off and venting by themselves is tremendous, and saves a lot of money.

Whenever we have had problems with the sterilizers, Alfa's service always responded right away.

Alfa offered us loaners and gave us fast repair service. Alfa's repair technicians have always been great with help over the phone to diagnosis of our problems. Alfa has always given us advice on how to properly use and maintain our autoclaves.

One of my main concerns with equipment suppliers was their ability and rediness to help when service issues come up (and they always seem to come up). Alfa Medical is big enough of a company to be able to help & support all of our sterilization needs, and small enough to be able to 'ON THE SPOT WHEN WE CALL' to poke their noses into our file to see what went wrong, and what is the right thing that is needed to be done to solve our issue.

Richard G. Winston DDS
& Wexsler Lisa DDS
Mineola, NY



Dentists' Testimonials

I am a very happy Alfa's customer since 1988-

I first start dealing with Alfa back in May 1988. They have rebuild my Pelton & Crane to my fully satisfaction.

I always was very happy with their services. It is very easy to deal with them. They always treat me with respect, and value my time. They work fast and take care of my needs right away. What else can you ask?

Highly recommend Alfa.

Tsiatis Chris DDS
Jackson Heights, NY


Dentists' Testimonials

I never make decisions quickly. However, I am so glad I did when I met Alfa representitive at the San Francisco Dental Meeting in 1990-

I didn't hear about Alfa, and I didn't know who there were, but now, years later, I can tell you that this was a great decision on my part to purchase a sterilizer from them.

I purchased a rebuild Pelton & Crane OCM Sterilizer, and I am very satisfied with it.

I completely trust Alfa and everything they say is correct. Their advice is on target in regards to my needs.

Their workmanship is a high quality one.

The sterilizer I purchased from them never failed.

In 1996 I purchased another Pelton & Crane OCM Sterilizer. I am very happy with that one too.

I recently called to purchase an extra door gasket. Their customer service is so pleasant, helpful, and nice to deal with.

I have been a dentist for many years. I dealt with many many different companies and vendors. You can definitely trust Alfa to do whatever they tell you they will do for you.

Holloszy Fred DDS
Redwood City, CA


Dentists' Testimonials

I have always appreciated Alfa's courteous and expedient service -

I met Alfa at the Yankee dental meeting in 1990. I wasn't sure if and when I will need them, but in 1995 I called because my Pelton & Crane Validator 8 needed to be repaired.

They were so fast responding to my needs, and so helpful on the phone, that I decided to have them rebuild my sterilizer.

It has been working great, and every time when I call them for service or support, I get such a great feeling that I made the right choice and decision.

Cohen Herbert DDS
Ware, MA



Orthodontists' Testimonials

I have the Cox sine 1992, and am extremely satisfy with it, and with Alfa Medical.

Never had a problem with the Cox Dry Heat Sterilizer. I will soon buy another one when my son joins the practice. Alfa has an excellent customer service and support.

Hicks Robert DDS
British Columbia, Canada


Orthodontists' Testimonials

It is a pleasure being a customer of Alfa Medical ... highly recommend them.

"We love the speed, and the fast turnaround of the Cox Dry Heat Sterilizer.

In 1996 we bought a remanufactured one, and it works great. Cox Dry Heat Sterilizer. I will soon buy another one when my son joins the practice. Alfa has an excellent customer service and support.

Cram Robert DDS
Red Deer, Alberta


Orthodontists' Testimonials

It is a pleasure being a customer of Alfa Medical ... highly recommend them.

"I have owned a Cox Dry Heat Sterilizer for many years. I will recommend to anybody who wants to use a simple, fast dry heat sterilizer to buy only the Cox"

Kerr Michael DDS
Howell, MI 48843


Orthodontists' Testimonials

Everybody at Alfa is helpful. They respond to my needs so fast ... I love it.t ...

"I have owned a Cox Dry Heat since 1993, and I have been using it every single day. Very easy product to use. Very simple.

Glaeser Ronald DDS
Anchorage, Alaska


Alfa Medical 
265 Post Ave, Westbury NY 11590 
eMail 1-800-801-9934 fax 516-283-5555